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"After settling your vehicle loan, remember to process the cancellation of the mortgage registration with the Highway Patrol Division!

District Supervision Office

Content: If your vehicle has been financed with a loan, please remember to settle the loan with the financial institution before applying for the cancellation of the mortgage registration with the Highway Patrol Division to avoid any issues when you want to make changes or transfer ownership of the vehicle in the future.

It is common for vehicle owners to be unsure of how to proceed after receiving the clearance documents from the financial institution (bank) when they settle their loan. This often leads to a failure to cancel the mortgage registration with the Highway Patrol Division, which is discovered only when attempting to make changes or transfer ownership of the vehicle.

The director of the Kaohsiung District Supervision Office, Mr. Dong, advises that to protect your interests, if your vehicle has a mortgage registration, please confirm with the financial institution (bank) if they will handle the cancellation of the mortgage registration when you settle the loan. If they do not, please bring the relevant documents to the vehicle registration management agency under the jurisdiction of the Highway Patrol Division, or use registered mail. Additionally, if you want to check if your vehicle still has a mortgage registration, you can do so by visiting the patrol service network\\\\'s website, selecting "Motor Vehicles," "Vehicles," and then "Mortgage Application Status Inquiry."

The District Supervision Office reminds you that if you have any questions about the mortgage registration transaction, please call 07-3613161 and dial 225 for assistance.

Handling Unit: Vehicle License and Driver\\\\'s License Management Section

Phone: (07) 3613161#213

Fax: (07) 3648445

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